September 09, 2005


Cool, it’s Friday again.

However, it’s the “Admission Day” today. Never heard of it? Me neither!! This morning, it took me $3.35 and about 40 min to take BART to get to Oakland City Hall from Fremont, and it’s closed because of the “Admission Day”. When I came back to the office, nobody knows what the heck the day is.

“It gotta be one of the make-up holidays just for the government workers…” Gary said. Well, it turn out the great California entered the union on September 9, 1850, as the thirty-first state. No wonder people want to work for the government. They probably got about 3 to 4 more holidays than us. And we are paying for this?? That's just great!

Maybe it's the weather, it's been pretty hard for me to concentrate this afternoon. It's like the brain is officially shut-down. I was trying to do some analysis, but my mind is wondering somewhere else. So, there we go, blogging again. :)

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